Council Structure
Our Congregation Council is the governing body of the congregation, and consists of the Pastor, Congregation President, leaders of our five Core Ministries, leaders of three Support Ministries, and one At Large member. The Council is guided in all its decisions by our congregational mission statement (above), vision statement, strategic goals, and policies. In addition, each of these ministries has prayerfully created a vision statement, included below.
Our Pastor serves primarily as a spiritual guide, offering scriptural and theological insights to lead us to live as disciples of Jesus Christ and a community of faithful believers. The Pastor leads the Council in continuously discovering God’s mission for Messiah and taking action to live out that mission.
In addition, the Pastor equips and encourages ministry leaders and serves as a resource to them.
Congregation President
Congregational Vision
We welcome all into our faithful and joyous Christian community. Guided by prayer and the Holy Spirit, we proclaim and spread God's love and peace in the world. We serve others, working toward a just society where all are valued as beloved children of God and each person can live a life of dignity.
The President presides at Congregational and Council meetings and is responsible for proper conduct of the business of the church. While all Council members have responsibility to see that the Council fulfills its overall responsibilities, if special issues arise, the president is the primary person responsible for resolution.
The President also is chair of the Mutual Ministry Team. The overall purpose of the committee is to support the ordained and lay staff and establish an environment that will that will encourage them to optimize their teamwork and service to the congregation and to each other.
Although the pastor has primary responsibility for managing the lay staff, the president shares that responsibility to allow the pastor to maximize their time on spiritual matters.
Youth & Family Faith Formation
Youth & Family Faith Formation Vision
As disciples of the living God, we strive to nurture our children in their identity as a "Child of God" and to celebrate & recognize God’s work in them. We strive to provide age appropriate ways for children to address issues they face in daily life. To teach and model skills that nurture the power within them to be strong while discerning the world around them. We strive to provide ministries that meet the fast paced, priorities that families face today, and to nourish their most basic needs for faith.
The role of Youth & Family Faith Formation is to provide opportunities for faith growth & education. It includes children’s time during worship, our Sunday School Program, Confirmation class & camp, youth, parent & family groups and the support and coordination of MAD Camp (Music, Art, and Drama) and the National Youth Gathering experience. This ministry handle the requests, questions and support necessary for all of the Youth & Family Faith Formation ministries. We support the current programs and encourage new ministries that may be proposed. In effect, this ministry works to provide the best faith opportunities and education that we are able.
Adult Faith Formation
Adult Faith Formation Vision
The faith that God’s gives us is strengthened and deepened by practicing the disciplines of faith- Worship, Prayer, Study, Service, Giving and Fellowship. Adult Faith Formation at Messiah focuses on giving people opportunities to pray, study and join with others in fellowship to share teaching and learning about our faith. These opportunities assist us in growing as disciples of Christ who express their faith through actions and words.
As Lutherans, we believe that the Bible is God’s inspired Word and our guidance for life. Consequentially, we offer many options for studying the Bible:
- Daily devotional booklets for the year and seasons of Advent and Lent
- Sunday evening Bible study
- Prayer Cell- Bible study and prayer
- Spiritual Growth Group using The Wired Word, a contemporary look at scripture
- Thursday AM Bible Study
Joining the goals of prayer, study and fellowship this ministry offers the following monthly activities
· Women’s Breakfast
· Joy Beyond the Bend
Outreach Vision
We are all God’s children. As such we strive to be His hands and feet, serving all people. We believe that through thoughtful prayer and commitment we are able to achieve all God asks of us. We joyfully welcome all into our fellowship, service, and Christian worship as we support each other and care for others. Inspired by the Holy Spirit, we serve all in daily life.
Outreach is a two-fold ministry: Local and Global Outreach and Congregational Outreach.
Local and Global Outreach:
These services provide genuine care for all, and include the willingness to share God’s love. This includes Soup-er Saturday lunch, coffee hour, or even a funeral luncheon, grieving with others at the loss of a friend. At every event, with God’s grace, we welcome all and provide comfort in any form that is needed. The Country Fair which is open to the community and offers an outdoor service, meal, and outdoor games. These are efforts to share the good news with anyone in the community who might be seeking a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Other programs such as the Backpack Program, Crop Walk, Erna’s Hope, Greece Food Shelf, Habitat for Humanity, Lake Chautauqua Lutheran Center, Campus Ministry Dinner (RIT), Community Lutheran Ministries, Bread Ministry, Dress a Girl, RAIHN, St. John’s Home, Thanksgiving Baskets, Angel Tree, Winter Coat Drive, No One Left Behind, ELCA World Hunger Fund, and Loop Ministries are also included. For these programs we gather volunteers and go into the community to provide the services required. We use the talents that God gave us to perform these duties in the name of Jesus Christ our Savior.
Congregational Outreach:
These ministries generally serve the congregation. It includes Bulletin and Newsletter Volunteers, Creative Hands Ministry, Joy Beyond the Bend, Prayer Chain, and Visitation Ministry.
Stewardship Vision
We are good and faithful servants persevering in our lifelong mission to use our gifts of time, talent and treasure so that when our time on earth is through we can approach our Savior with a heart which has loved and with hands which are gnarled and worn in their service of him who is our all.
Stewardship is the ongoing year-round ministry that focuses on Messiah’s missions as a mark of discipleship. The Stewardship team supports our mission programs to ensure the “best use” of the time, talent and treasures of Messiah’s members and friends.
In addition to leading the annual stewardship campaigns for these gifts, the team partners with the other ministry teams in furthering Stewardship education.
Worship Vision:
Gathered as a community of God’s children, celebrating our redemption through the cross of Christ, with hearts and minds open to hear God’s word, we anticipate a fresh encounter with the Holy Spirit. We know God is alive and among us, engaging us, and speaking to us whenever we lift our voices together in praise. Through our enthusiastic participation in music, liturgy, prayer and sacraments we create a place where people are comfortable to express the full range of human emotion. We recognize that God is responding with comfort, encouragement, reassurance, forgiveness, blessing, challenge, excitement, hope, power, inspiration and relationship - empowering us to carry the good news of the Gospel into the world.
The Worship Team meets to discover ways to faithfully and imaginatively bring scriptural text alive and invite the meaningful participation of everyone present. We meet to grow in our understanding of how to enhance our regular and festival worship experiences.
Support Ministry Team Responsibilities
Communications Vision:
We empower Messiah's disciples to do the work of Christ by make accurate information available to all in the church and in the larger community.We effectively explain, remind, refresh, and refocus the work of Messiah's ministries.We enable the coming-together of individuals into a cohesive community.
The key responsibility f the Communications Team is to improve quality, frequency, content and format of verbal and written communications to the congregation and the larger community. Key parts of this communication are the Herald, Website, and Good Stuff group activities. The Communication Team will monitor internal communication channels (such as the Herald and the website) to be sure that all Messiah disciples feel that their concerns and their contributions are heard and valued. Communications will maintain accessible and up-to-date records of the missions and contact information about Messiah ministries and groups to help disciples find places to exercise their gifts, and to aid them in creating new ministries and groups as they are led by the Spirit.
In addition, this team is responsible for the use of multiple means [written, verbal, multi-media] of sharing with the congregation and the larger community how God is at work through Messiah’s various ministries.
Finance Team
The Finance Team sets policy and direction for financial well-being of Messiah Lutheran Church. This includes both the income and expenses of the church. Responsibilities include: counting the offering each week, paying the expenses of the church, financial reporting, auditing, endowment fund, and coordinating the annual budgeting process.
The Finance Team includes the Finance Director, Financial Secretary, Treasurer, and other members as appropriate. The Finance Director is the leader of the Finance Team and the primary contact/leader for financial questions. The Financial Secretary is responsible for receiving all funds paid to the church. The treasurer is responsible for payment of expenses.
Property Vision:
As faithful followers of God, we join together to provide a sanctuary from life’s troubles and storms, a Holy place where all of God’s people can come to be embraced in the care, comfort and safety of Jesus' loving arms. We offer our time, talents and treasure to provide a worship space for the Lord’s people to give worship, honor, glory and praise to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The key role of the property team and its chairperson is to monitor and implement the proper
maintenance and protection of the grounds and structures located at Messiah Lutheran church and to insure that the same is kept in good repair.
In addition, the team utilizes and coordinates congregational members through the use of the time and talent list. When necessary professional help is engaged to insure that maintenance and improvements are completed in a timely manner.
At Large