Vision Statement
As we build up one another and Christ’s church, we at Messiah Evangelical Lutheran Church worship the living God in word and sacrament. Centered in Christ, we joyfully stand shoulder to shoulder in praise, worship and service, listening for God, giving and receiving love, encouragement and forgiveness. We extend that love to the community to create a more just society, recognizing that all people are beloved children of God.
As we build up one another and Christ’s church, we care for one another, offering comfort, peace and friendship in the name of Jesus. At the same time we care for all of creation as stewards of our time, talents and resources to comfort and serve others as Jesus has called us to do.
As we build up one another and Christ’s church, we nurture all people as children of God. We study and learn together as disciples of Christ. We raise up leaders from among us to draw yet others to the love of Jesus.
As we build up one another and Christ’s church, we passionately share the good news of God’s love and salvation by reaching out to others far and wide in welcome, recognizing them as friends we have not yet met. We confidently follow God into a future filled with hope, trusting the Holy Spirit and giving glory to God.